Coming Up With Interesting Dissertation Topics About Zoos

Zoos have always been a world of fascination to every one of us as kids. To some, it is the place that made them familiar to another world beyond the grays and browns of city life, to others it is an inspiration to pursue a career centered on wildlife. Every child has grown up writing essays on zoos for once in his or her school life. Zoos, so widely discussed a topic that often it gets dull rehearsing the same topics related to zoos every time.

As a teacher, therefore, it is essential to be innovative in order to capture the attention of the students. Children do enjoy learning but only when the process is not monotonous. Zoo can itself be a topic of dissertation as a whole, but then, this is one topic that has been perhaps the most widely discussed.

Things to be kept in mind while deciding to perfect dissertation topic about zoos:

  • The age and qualification of the writer- While “A visit to the zoo”, or “Your favourite zoo” sounds perfect for a kindergarten child, it becomes a joke for a higher secondary student or even worse when assigned to a graduate holding a degree in disciplines such as zoology.
  • The challenge posed by the topic- Challenging topics are always a welcome change to writers unlike the general idea of “the easier, the better”. The zoo with its variety of animals actually has the potential of providing us with variety of topics. For example, one can focus chiefly on a particular animal like the tiger and set the dissertation topic with respect to the zoo. The topic can go as “Compare and contrast the tiger of the zoo to that of the wild” or similar ones.
  • Make it interesting- Make the project interesting. For children, this can be a trip to the zoo itself. For older students, encourage them to visit the zoo and observe the habits of the animals they are working on.
  • Some possible dissertation topic about zoos
    • Snakes of the reptile house-Venoms or Victims?
    • The canidaes
    • Migrating birds
    • The zoo-a photographer’s gold mine
    • Zoo-wildlife conservation or animal captivation?

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