The 11 Best Thesis Topics About Economics

Economics is a topic that is often on the forefront of the news headlines and for good reason, it deals directly with the wealth and well being of the world. From large scale to small scale, just about every aspect of our daily life can be described from an economical perspective and finding good topic can simply be a matter of looking around you. Here are 11 best thesis topics about economics:

  1. This study is a clever reuse used to mislead and abuse the average citizen by making a simple situation seem complex.
  2. The concept of money is flawed since it can never be accurately equated to the actual value of tangible items and intangible services and so inflation will never end.
  3. If society were structured differently, the same money spent on security could have gone to the financially challenged individuals who commit robberies and so eliminate the need for security systems.
  4. If most of economic laws are based on imaginary situations that will never exist in real life, why is this study necessary ?
  5. Banks charge interest for doing nothing but facilitating the transfers of money from one place to another yet they are an integral part of society grossing billions in profits yearly, why do we allow this to continue?
  6. Why is it often the case that an economist is bad at managing their own money and homes while individuals with no financial back ground manage their finances quite well?
  7. How does the financial crisis in large countries affect smaller countries around the world and is it possible that the fall of one country could mean the fall of many?
  8. Unemployment rates are often far from reality yet they play an important part of the government’s financial planning. What does the unemployment rate have to do with the actions taken by financial departments?
  9. Many countries provide financial aid to the underprivileged citizens of their country. How does this aid affect the country’s finances and would it be better if the governments did not offer this aid?
  10. Smaller countries have a hard time competing with large countries in agricultural exports because they lack the space needed to produce large quantities of crops. What are the options available to small countries in this situation?
  11. The fall of the stock market affects many countries and their have been some major ones in our history. Are we still affected by these past crashes in the stock market?

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