Writing The Body For A Thesis Paper: A Brief Manual For Students

When writing a thesis paper there are three main sections that you will need to include, just as with most other academic papers. The sections are the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Whilst basic academic papers will simply include these three sections, a thesis is more likely to include several further subsections, each of which can be linked in some way to one of those three main sections.

The methodology

When writing a thesis or dissertation there is a good chance you will need to include a methodology section. The methodology section essentially outlines any research methods that you intend to use in order to gather relevant information. It may be that you wish to research various resources online, as well as any off-line sources, such as books, newspapers, magazines, journals and other publications.

As well as gathering information from various written sources, you may also wish to try and gather data using a range of other techniques, including questionnaires, surveys and interviews. Equally, if you’re studying for a scientific subject, then there is a good chance you will carry out a variety of different scientific experiments.

No matter which method you choose to use, these should all be listed in your methodology section. Furthermore, if you do include any quotes or paraphrased content from any of the online or off-line resources that you use, then you should ensure that you include any necessary citations and references.

The results

If you’re studying for a scientific subject then there is a good chance you will need to include a results section. Essentially, this will include any relevant data that you gathered as a result of any experiments that you carried out. Equally, the results section may include any relevant data that you gathered as a result of questionnaires or surveys, especially when studying any of the social sciences.

The analysis section

Have included the results that you gathered, you will then need to include a section in which you analyse the data that you have found. This is a particularly important section as it enables you to provide relevant evidence and data that can prove or disprove any question or hypothesis that you may have set in the first place, which will have been included in the introduction.

Including all evidence and arguments in the body section

One final thing to consider is that any evidence or arguments you make should be included in the body section. The conclusion, which comes after the body section, will then draw upon any evidence or arguments that you make, and should not include anything new.

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