General Instructions On How To Do Research For A Dissertation

As you know, works like a diploma project or a dissertation consist of two parts. In the first one, you render theoretic information that belongs to other researchers. In the second one, you render your own research. Quite often, the second piece is the toughest for most students.

The Place of the Research in Your Dissertation

If you are writing a dissertation, your personal research can play different roles in your project, depending on the subject that you are exploring. If you are working with sciences, the research will play a leading role in your dissertation. Yet, if you are exploring theoretic disciplines, the research will be a secondary set of data that is necessary to support the information that you have collected from reference sources. Sometimes, it makes sense to turn to professionals for writing assistance at once (I recommend this service), but most students prefer trying their own abilities first. Let’s see how the research part can be prepared and composed.

How to Compose the Research

  • Choose one or several methods that will help you receive the needed data. You are not limited in the choice. However, whatever you choose, you need to be ready to explain why you have chosen these methods and how they can help you reach the result that you have predicted in your hypothesis.
  • Having applied the chosen methods and received certain results, check whether they are exactly what you need. It’s time to make sure whether the findings are trustworthy, full, and correct. Besides that, the data that is received as a result of a research is considered to be novel in case you have used new methods, reviewed old knowledge from the point of view of new positions, or systematized old scattered facts with the help of new principles.
  • Having checked the findings for novelty, you need to come to conclusions. It’s a very important stage that shows your ability to think critically and analytically. You need to come to several types of conclusions that involve the findings concerning the main problem and the ones that relate to secondary matters. You need to think carefully whether you have come to conclusions that have to do with the main problem (i.e., you’ve been inventing a bicycle and have invented it) and whether you have come to several more different important solutions (the best number of bicycle wheels is two, the vehicle doesn’t need fuel, etc.).
  • Finally, check whether the findings match your hypothesis. Sometimes, it’s necessary to either adjust the findings to match the hypothesis or vice versa.

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