Coming Up With Creative Dissertation Topics On Computer Science

If you are writing a dissertation and need to come up with interesting creative topics on computer science, there are several useful tips for you.

  1. Meet the three criteria.
  2. There are three major criteria of a winning dissertation topic. Keep them in mind, and you will easily invent an interesting topic. The first is, never choose anything that has already been heavily used. The second is, make your topic and research interesting for those who will one day be searching for information on computer science. The third is, your topic has already been used, but your work is novel and can be a source of useful information.

  3. Search on the Internet.
  4. If you have no ideas at all, try searching on the Web. There are numerous websites that offer lists of interesting dissertation topics on computer science. However, this is the area where you should practice your creativity. As soon as these resources are used by millions of students, you’d better compose your own topic out of the suggested ones. This is how you can provide practical and scientific novelty of your project.

  5. Do some brainstorming.
  6. If your supervisor has not given you a list of topics that are offered by default, try asking your supervisor a favor. Take some time and do brainstorming together, putting down all the ideas of dissertation topics that only occur to you. If you suppose that doing brainstorming with your supervisor is not that good, try doing it with your friends. However, in this case results of the event can be unpredictable.

Below, you can find a list of offered dissertation topics in computer science.

  • Monitoring of marine biosphere with the help of data-driven robots.
  • Development of socially assistive robots that help aging people.
  • High resolution facial scanning as a means for crime prevention.
  • How cyber-insurance can reinforce, strengthen and develop cyber-security.
  • Computer modelling of the effect of emotions on the process of decision-making.
  • The role of extra high-definition computer software in genetic research.
  • Computer methods of precise image matching and ways of their implementation in real life.
  • Creating frameworks that keep clusters of databases together.
  • Textual search as only one side of the Web.
  • An overview of potential future types of wireless and mobile connection.
  • Ways of smart robotic manipulation in different types of environment.
  • Autostereoscopic 3D displays, their main features and functions.
  • Safe smart path planning for underwater mechanisms and vehicles.
  • Agents that can save and store energy in commercial premises.

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