Crafting A Dissertation Literature Review: Basic Instructions

The literature review is a very important part of a dissertation. In this section, you show your readers that you’ve learned plenty of information about your topic and other authors who conducted similar research. It might not be easy to compose a proper literature review. Here are the functions that this section should perform:

  1. Compare and contrast.
  2. You should present the differences and similarities of the views of different authors on your topic.

  3. Create groups.
  4. You should divide authors into separate groups depending on the conclusions that they’ve made in their studies.

  5. Criticize.
  6. You should highlight the methodology aspects of other authors that you consider negative.

  7. Note areas of disagreement.
  8. You should indicate in which areas many authors disagree with each other.

  9. Highlight exemplary studies.
  10. You should focus the attention of your readers on the studies that illustrate your points well.

  11. Highlight research gaps.
  12. You should indicate the factors that didn’t let particular authors achieve more accurate results during their investigations.

  13. Show the relation.
  14. You should demonstrate how your work relates to previous studies and to the literature in general.

  15. Conclude.
  16. Summarize everything that the literature says about your topic.

Your dissertation literature review should pursue a few goals. Here they are:

  • Define and limit the issue that you’re working on;
  • Place your work in a historical perspective;
  • Avoid duplication of other studies;
  • Evaluate different research methods;
  • Relate your results to previous knowledge and propose further investigation.

The most important factor that influences the quality of your literature review is the actual literature. You should make a thorough investigation in order to find many sources that will help you conduct your own study. There is no shame in asking for assistance during this step. You should regularly consult your instructing professor on what sources to use and where to search for them.

However, you may also use another option. You may check this company and accept the help that they offer. Such agencies provide different services related to dissertation writing. They have many professional writers and researchers in their staff, so they can greatly help you in composing your literature review. Moreover, they can even write a custom paper from scratch if that is what you want. You may speak to several writers of a company to determine which writer understands your field better.

If you use the services of a professional academic writing company, you’ll need to prepare only for your defense. Everything else will be done be your writer.

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