What Makes A Good Dissertation Topic: Advice For College Students

It is not easy to come up with a good dissertation topic. You have to consider several steps before choosing the right one. Most students find the start of the research the most challenging task. Taking into consideration that the start is the topic, it is the most challenging task for lots of students.

A topic of a dissertation is like your significant other for the period you are engaged with it. You spend hours thinking about it, looking at it, engaging with it. You spend almost all your time together with the topic to make it work. You have to stay focused on the topic to prevent it from bloating. There are several tips to avoid fatal mistakes with your topic and have a good topic.

Please yourself, not others

When thinking of a topic, first you ask for advice, and read some instructions to get ideas. However, choose something you like, do not stop searching for a topic if others advice you to take a topic you don’t like. You have to be comfortable with the topic.

Choose ambitious topic, but stay in the middle

You shouldn’t be too much ambitious and choose topic that requires too much. Set your limits and get to know your limits. Topics whose requirements can’t be reached are frustrating. Think whether you can complete the topic before you start the research.

Keep boundaries around the topic

It is true that the more you read, the more you become familiar with the topic and you include parameters, studies and things you didn’t plan. It is important to keep boundaries to avoid growth of your topic’s scope.

Have clear picture of the whole dissertation before the start

Usually students make mistake with their dissertation topics. They do have interesting topic that they like, but they start without any clear picture of how everything will look like at the end. You have to plan the stages of your research before even start writing on a particular topic. This way, you will avoid choosing wring topic, because you will have time to change it.

Another point of this is to avoid get caught in the middle of your work without any ideas what is the next step. You have to move on your next step in order to continue your work. Bear in mind that you have to have enough data to complete your project.

These tips are good start for choosing the most suitable topic for you. To summarize, the topic have to be interesting, with accessible data and at the same time challenging to a particular level, but all this within the boundaries.

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